Corte Madera (415)-927-9494 | Novato (415)-883-9353

Trimore Triathlon Training

Each class is a small group size, and taught by experienced real world athletes that practice what they preach! You train on your bike, using your gear and your fuel, We provide the computerized trainers and software. The class, with clients ranging from beginner to expert, works individually but supports each other in a team environment.

By setting up “your own bike” riders follow the instructor and ride “Real Course” Interactive Videos with the Multi Rider feature for State Of The Art Training. Now you can ride Wildflower before race day, climb Nasty Grade until its nothing! Other courses available include: IronMan Canada, Couer d’Alane, Arizona, St George, Wildflower, Alcatraz and more are coming!

Fill out the form to Get a 1 week free pass & training session

    Must reside in the area and be 22 years of age or older to be eligible for complimentary week trial



