Corte Madera (415)-927-9494 | Novato (415)-883-9353

Fitness Training Programs

Our Fitness Training programs at Five Points Fitness are designed to reach and help more members achieve their health and fitness goals. Team Training and Personal Training classes provide our members with various layers of training options based on their individual needs and goals

Are you out of shape or just out of ideas?

30-day Personal
Training Experience


Buy Now!

Need a little extra motivation and accountability? Our new 30-day Personal Training Experience is the perfect solution! A great option if you need a little extra support to reach your goals. The program is fun, exciting and challenging!

30-day Team Training Experience includes:

  • Functional Movement Screening
  • High Intensity Interval Training Workout
  • Includes 30 Day TRIAL membership privileges at both Corte Madera and Novato locations

Team Training

This layer is perfect for clients who want coaching every time they come to the gym and enjoy the group dynamics of a class.  The group size is up to 20 people all being coached by one trainer. We offer 3 great options for Team Training- Foundations, Afterburn, and Industrial Strength. See our Training schedule for times and sessions offered at Five Points.


You can’t build a great home without a solid foundation. Likewise, before we begin to build more advanced layers of fitness, you first need to establish proper movement and a base level of conditioning. With a challenging, full-body program, Foundations will ensure that you avoid injury, make progress at your pace and begin the path to success.


Many people strength train with weights, while others do cardio or aerobics. Somewhere between is Afterburn, the ultimate fat loss workout. Some of the tools and techniques may seem new to you, but many have been around for over 100 years! Not only will you burn up to 1,000 calories an hour, but you will continue to burn fat and calories up to 48 hours after your workout is complete.

Industrial Strength

Want to get stronger, slimmer and more athletic? This is the solution. Working with heavier loads and fewer reps means more strength, without bulk. This program combines old-school methods and modern science to achieve better strength and conditioning.


Introducing KINETICS, the newest addition to our Team Training program. Blending the best of our Team and Small Group programs, KINETICS gives you a challenging, individualized workout focusing on aerobic and muscular endurance in just a single session. Whether you’re looking for an all-in-one experience or adding variety to your program, KINETICS is focused on giving you a workout designed to challenge the many ways your body moves. Fun, energetic, innovative and created just for our members.

Visit our Front Desk or Call For Details. (415) 883-9353


30 Day Personal Training(PT) Experience

**You do get a membership both at Corte Madera and Novato but the personal training occurs only in Novato as that is where the class is offered.

Fill out the form to Get a 1 week free pass & training session

    Must reside in the area and be 22 years of age or older to be eligible for complimentary week trial



